Tool: Connect with Your Needs


  1. Take a moment to consider one of the greatest challenges you are experiencing right now. It could be in your marriage, business, health, finances, or spiritually

  1. Reflect upon the needs you are attempting to have met within this situation, internally and externally.

  1. Double click on the needs that come to you by asking, “what does this need being met really offer me?” – Do this 3-4 times, until you believe you have reached the core need(s)

  1. Once you have captured the core of what needs you have and are attempting to meet, begin to brainstorm strategies that you may utilize that support feelings of clarity, balance, certainty, and confidence. 

  1. End with asking, “what are the next steps from here?”, given what you have learned


Internal Need

External Need

Balanced Supporting Strategies

EX: Hiring a Team Member

EX: Time and Space

Double Click: Rest, time with family

Double Click: Connection, love, joy

EX: Growing Business

Double Click: Aligned philosophically

Double Click: Opposing Strengths and talents

EX: Internal Needs: Finding openings for time and space now, while in process to hire and train

EX: External Needs: Sharing internal and external needs with your network to find aligned fit

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