In the Stillness you Find Freedom.

One of the most challenging points of growth in my life has been learning to be with myself in silence.

Quote about the world's problems

Alone. Quiet. Sitting in a room (or elsewhere), allowing all the ways I distract myself to fall away.

Further this has become something I am present for and experience. Rather than simply being another checklist item so that I can call myself ‘spiritual’.

It’s been hard.

It’s been scary.

It’s been telling.

And, it’s been freeing.

I have found myself alone with an overwhelming sense that everything in my world is going to crash down on me.

It has been in these experiences that I have learned how I am living, and what keeps me from the peace I had been chasing for years.

I’ve been down the rabbit hole of materialism, exceptionalism, and a way of living as if I was immortal. I’ve felt myself drowning in my own drive to perform, create, and have, many times.

I’ve exhausted my willingness to live from these belief systems as my holy grail of a ‘good life’. As with most systems, there is a light side and a dark side. They are deeply nuanced.

It’s in the quiet that the truth of my mind has been shown to me. It’s in this space that it may seem like it’s not doing anything that is making me anxious.

Yet, the truth is I’ve pulled back the blindfold and am being shown what has been there all along.

The mental loops on a never ending track

The stories of lack; devotion, skill, love, money, etc

These are discoveries I support many of my clients with.

I help them to create the quiet and still space inside of themselves. On the path to this, we uncover the truth of the life they are living.

What emerges from this new awareness of how their mind works, is insight to what must begin to fall away.

Greater experiences of peace, ease and connection emerge from the guide posts uncovered.

And it’s from that emerging peace and connection that the fruits of their lives are grown and enjoyed.

In their business. In their family. In our world.

With this in mind, I have an invitation for you. An invitation that I extend to clients.

Option 1: For the next seven days create space to spend 30 minutes in absolute silence. No phone. No people. No music. No movement. Sit still.

Option 2 (If you can’t do #1): For the next four create space to spend 30 minutes in absolute silence. No phone. No people. No music. No movement. Sit still.

Option 3: If you can’t do #2): For today, create space to spend 30 minutes in absolute silence. No phone. No people. No music. No movement. Sit still.

If you find yourself saying you can’t find time for option 3, I refer you back to reading this again and seeing option 1.

After you sit in quiet, and for each time you do, take a few moments to write down what you learned about yourself.

Making a study of your own mind holds the keys to what you want to feel and create most.

Message me if you would like help understanding what you experienced. And how it applies to your future.

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